Government Directory

Honourable Minister: Shellya Kenisha Rogers-Webster

Permanent Secretary: Bonnie Richardson-Lake, PS Social Development

Ministry Summary

The Ministry of Social Development is responsible for the development and implementation of all matters related to the social development of the country.  This includes Health, Education, Youth & Culture, Sports, Social Development, Probation, Prisons, Library Services and Health Protection.  The Minister of Social Development, the Honourable Shellya Kenisha Rogers-Webster leads the Ministry with the assistance of Permanent Secretary, Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake.  Dr. Richardson-Lake has responsibility for the Departments of Education, Library Services, Youth & Culture and Sports, in addtion to the Departments of Social Development, Probation, as well as the Directorate of Health Services Quality Management, the National AIDS Programme. The staff of the Ministry of Social Development is comprised of the following persons:

Minister of Social Development: TBA

Permanent Secretary: Social Development, Education, Youth & Culture, Sports: Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake

Education Planner: Mrs. Dawn Reid

Community Services Planner: Mrs. Hyacinth Bradley

Clinical Psychologist: Dr. Olufunmike Banks-Devonish

Social Development Planner: Ms. Kiesha Gumbs

The Government of Anguilla is committed to the provision of tertiary education, particularly technical training, on island. In support of this the Anguilla Community College was established in April 2009 and is governed by a Board of Governors. The College is managed by President, Dr. Karl Dawson.

Each of the seven departments that fall under the Ministry of Social Development has a department head responsible for the oversight of that department.  These department heads include:

Chief Education Officer:  Mr. Bren Romney
Director of Youth & Culture: Ms. Avon Carty
Director of Sports:  Mr. Delano Mussington
Director of Library Services: Ms. Julianne Leveret
Commissioner of Social Development:  Ms. Lauraine Gumbs
Chief Probation Officer:  Mrs. Jocelyne Johnson-Carty
Gender Affairs Co-ordinator:  Dr. Ronya Foy-Connor


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