
There are six Government Primary Schools in Anguilla.
These are the:

  • Alwyn Allison Primary - (264) 497 7848 (Located in West End)
  • Vivian Vanterpool Primary - (264) 497 4181 (Located in Island Harbour)
  • Morris Vanterpool Primary - (264) 497 4419 (Located in East End)
  • Adrian T. Hazell - (264) 497 6348 (Located in South Hill)
  • Orealia Kelly Primary - (264) 497 2888 (Located in Stoney Ground)
  • Valley Primary - (264) 497 2887 (Located in the Valley area)


There are a number of pre-schools owned and operated by local churches. There is one secondary school, The Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive school (ALHCS). It consists of two campuses- Campus A and Campus B. Campus B houses forms 1 and 2 while Campus A houses forms 3 - 6.
Contact information for the 2 Campuses are as follows:

  • Campus A - (264) 497 2416
  • Campus B - (264) 497 0551


The official school age in Anguilla is 5 - 17. There are presently about 1460 students in the primary system and 1062 in the secondary system.