Higher Education Institutions

There are four recognized and licensed Higher Education Institutions in Anguilla.

  • The University of the West Indies Global Campus : The University operates one of its Open Campus sites in Anguilla Locally, it provides currently courses in continuing and professional education, including management, finance, languages, social workand business www.global.uwi.edu
  • New Anglia University: The University offers a Premed and an MD Program preparing students for careers in healthcare. www.newanglia.com
  • American University of Anguilla: The University offers a premed program for students who are looking to pursue a career in medicine. www.aua.ai
  • Global Humanistic University: The University is a private provider of part- time online study programs. Its main offices are in Anguilla and in Curaçao. In Anguilla, the University has the power to grant Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees in business administration, finance, and law. www.ghu.edu.ai

Further Information’s about Education System in Anguilla compare:
House of Commons (2023). Accessing higher education in the UK's Overseas Territories. London.