Frequently Asked Business Questions

Is there an organization available to facilitate with the information needed to meet the requirements for starting a business?

  • The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development are the ones responsible for approving business licenses and will give persons wishing to attain a business license the necessary information.

What are the fees for operating a business?

  • Fees vary according to the nature of the business and are affected by factors such as stock value, type of business and belongership status of the applicant. Information on fees is available at the Inland Revenue Department.

What are some of the benefits of owning a business in Anguilla?

  • UK Overseas Territory

  • Well-regulated financial services industry

  • Common law legal system based on English law

  • Well developed professional infrastructure

  • Same day company incorporation service

  • World standard telecommunications system

  • Easy air access to North America and Europe

  • Neutral tax jurisdiction

  • No foreign exchange restrictions

  • Multi-year work permits available for professionals within the financial services industry

Can I download the business forms online?

What are the requirements for attaining a business license for belongers?

What are the requirements for attaining a business license for an overseas investor?

  • Application form must be completed (Form A - Application for Business Licence in accordance with Sections 5 of the Trades, Businesses, Occupations and Professions Licensing ActT40 of 2000)

  • Business Plan must be done for Technical Businesses

  • Qualifications must be provided for Technical Businesses

  • If Company, provide Certificates and Articles of Incorporation

  • If Business involves sale of food, Environmental Health approval must be indicated.

    • Application form must be completed (Form A - Application for Business Licence in accordance with Sections 5 of the Trades, Businesses, Occupations and Professions Licensing Act T40 of 2000)

    • Business Plans must be done

    • Qualifications and Resume must be provided

    • If Company, provide Certificates and Articles of Incorporation

    • Provide Police Record no later than 6 months

    • Provide Passport Information including pictures

    • Provide at least 3 Character References or Testimonials other than family members

    • Provide a Statement of Financial Ability/ Bank Letter

    • A Due Diligence will have to be done using passport information

What is the duration of a business licence?

  • All licenses are valid until December 31st of the year received

How long does the business application process take?

  • It varies from a few days to 8 weeks (in rear cases more time is required) depending on the type and nature of business and belongership status of applicant.

Is there a fee involved in the application process?

  • No fee is involved in the application process.