Public Relations


Missive - Appointment of CPB as Registrar
Aug 2, 2024, | By Admin


The post of Registrar of the High Court has not been substantively filled since March 1, 2024, despite recruitment efforts.  To ensure continuity in the execution of this critical role, suitably qualified public officers have been identified to act in the post until a new Registrar is selected.  We are grateful for the invaluable assistance rendered by Mr Ivor Greene, Senior Crown Counsel (Civil) in the Attorney General’s Chambers who has been acting in the post of Registrar for several months and who must now focus on his substantive duties. 

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs Chanelle Petty Barrett as Acting Registrar of the High Court from 2nd September 2024 for a period of three months in the first instance.  Mrs Petty Barrett is an attorney at law.  She has served in the Attorney General’s Chambers, in private prcatice and as Permanent Secretary in the Anguilla Public Service.

Mrs Petty Barrett welcomes the opportunity to serve in the judicial branch of Government as it provides an avenue for further professional growth and allows her to use her knowledge and skills to contribute in a different way.

As a result of Mrs Petty Barrett’s acting appointment as Registrar, we will shortly be seeking expressions of interest from persons interested in filling the role of Permanent Secretary Sustainability, Innovation and the Environment, Economic Development, Investment and Commerce, on a temporary basis.


August 2, 2024