Attorney General's Chambers

Mission Statement
To develop a professional and modern Chambers thereby facilitating the provision of quality legal services of the highest standard to the Government, Departments, statutory boards and corporations; to advance the administration of justice by prosecuting criminal offences in a fair, transparent and timely manner; to give effect to Government policy by ensuring the speedy drafting and revision of legislation; to continue the biannual revision of the laws of Anguilla

Role Of The Attorney General's Chambers

  • Legal Adviser to the Government, Departments, Statutory Boards and Corporations
  • Prosecute criminal cases on behalf of the Crown
  • Represent the Government in civil actions by and against the Crown
  • Advise the Royal Anguilla Police Force regarding investigations and prosecutions
  • Draft legislation
  • Law revision
  • Law reform
  • Process applications for:
    naturalisation as British Overseas Territories Citizens (BOTCs)
    registration as British citizens

For more information please contact:
Attorney General's Chambers
Caribbean Commercial Centre (located opposite the Post Office)
Carter Rey Boulevard
P.O. Box 60, The Valley
Anguilla, WI
Telephone: (264) 497 3044/3185
Fax: (264) 497 3126